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Skin & Body

Skin & Body

A regular skincare routine is essential to help keep your skin radiant and healthy. Your skincare routine should be tailored to suit your individual skin type. There are many different skin types, including: normal skin; dry skin; oily skin; combination skin (both oily and dry); and sensitive skin.

Your skin plays an important role in helping to prevent illness by forming a natural protective shield against external factors. A large component of your skin is made up of water, so it is important to keep your skin hydrated. This allows your skin to continually perform at its best and maintain its healthy glow. Well hydrated skin is also more flexible and you are less likely to notice cracks.

Envisage Pharmacy provide a range of skincare products suitable for all skin types. Our staff can provide you with tailored advice for a range of skin conditions including acne, eczema, psoriasis and other dermatological conditions.